How to Create and Set Up a Google Ads Account
Are you thinking or are you ready to advertise on Google and run Google Ads? If you want to run Google Ads, First you will need a Google Ads account. In this Blog post I will Show you how to create and set up a google ads account for your Business.
1. Choose or create Google account
In order to create a Google ads account we need a Google account(G-mail Account), without a Google account we won’t be able to create a Google Ads account. If you don’t have any Google account don’t worry, I will show you how to create it. To create a Google account simply go to, after that click on Create account > To manage my business, after that you will see the screen Create your Google Account fill the required information such as Name, last Name, Email, Password etc. and click on NEXT
2. Sign up for Google ads account
After successfully creating a Google account(G-mail) the next step is to sign up for Google ads account, Simply go to homepage in which you will see the button “Get Started” click on it.
After that next screen appear in front of you in which Google will ask you, What is your business name? you don’t have to fill any information there, simply click on Switch to Expert Mode because it gives you more manual control of your account.
After switching to Expert mode the next appear in front of you in which Google will ask you to Choose your objective, you don’t have to choose any objective here because you want to create Google ads account not run campaign at first, so simply click on Create an account without a campaign.
After that next screen appear in front of you in which Google will ask you to Confirm your business information like Billing country, Time zone, Currency. etc. fill up all the information after that click on Submit button.
After confirm your business information, click on Explore your account
After that you will redirected to Google ads dashboard, now your Google ads account is created!
Now you have your own Google ads account through which you can run ads for your business, to run ads for your business you need to create a campaign first, according to your goal it may be anything like Traffic, Leads, Sales, App promotion, Brand Awareness. etc. Google ads is a very powerful tool to run ads through which you can run PPC ads/SEM, Display ads, Video ads, App promotion ads, Shopping ads, and many.